I would add, that you can't always add a name. In this example “Eric, last Monday at the team meeting you made a joke about skin colors. While most of the team laughed it away, Melanie found that comment to be offensive as it was insensitive to people with dark skin. I suggest you work with her to resolve that, and also be mindful in the future" you've told Eric that it was Melanie who had a problem with him, which may cause issues for her, depending on the dynamics in the team.
If you, the person giving the feedback, were in the meeting its' fine to say 'That joke wasn't OK because it was insensitive to people with dark skin" or "It's not appropriate to make jokes about race in the workplace".
TL;DR - if the behaviour is a problem against the org values and policies, don't tell on the person who called it out to you - just give the feedback.