What exactly is it you do for work?

Kayla J Heffernan
Published in
4 min readJan 11, 2022


Explaining UX with every day things

A still from the television show The Simpsons with Homer sitting in wet concrete with BBQ parts surrounding him. Text tests “Must use French instructions. “Le Grille”? What the hell is that?”

My mother has no idea what I do for a living. She doesn’t even know it’s ‘UX’ let alone what UX is (I have told her, it’s just that the phrase is so foreign to her that she can’t seem to retain the term). One of my sisters always calls me an ‘X-U designer’… whatever that is. While ‘laypeople’ may not have experience with certain tech roles…



Head of UX. Passionate about solving ambiguous problems with solutions that are accessible and inclusive. I write every couple of months about design.